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Sunday, November 25, 2007

What If There Was A Better Way To Burn Fat and Get The Results You Wanted Without Having To Spend Hours and Hours Doing Cardio and Endless Crunches in the Gym--A Way to Target Those "Problem Areas"--You Know, Those Lovehandles, Saddlebags, Jiggly Arms, and Pooching Stomach In As Little As Three Workouts?

Rapid Results Fitness is that Better Way.

Rapid Results is an exercise class designed by veteran exercise professionals* to give you the following:

For Women:

  • A lean, tight, flat, midsection--No more "Post-Baby Pooch"--You know, that trouble area just below your belly-button

  • A tight, trim, lifted backside and inner thighs--No more "Saddlebags" or "Billboard Butt"

  • Tight, sculpted arms--No more "Grandma Jiggle"--You know what we're talking about--That embarrassing under-arm flopping when you wave goodbye

  • A back to die for in that "little black dress"--No more armpit rolls

For Men:

  • A Lean, Classic Physique like Michaelangelo's "David"--Enough to say "I'm in Great Shape" without looking like you're a wannabe bodybuilder

  • The Upper Body you always wanted: Broad Shoulders, Big Arms, and that "V-Taper" that gives you that "Power Look"

  • Rock Hard Abs--Hard Enough to Stop a Punch and Look Like It Too

  • Legs That Won't Quit: Running, Jumping, Hiking--No Problem!

"Time is always of the essence, isn’t it? Geoff Neupert can help you pack in one heck of a workout in a short amount of time. He has help, of course…..these iron balls called kettlebells. What a great way to get your entire body engaged during the effort. You can leave your workout knowing it has been really productive and you don’t have to worry about not getting to certain body parts; you know you’ve used everything during a kettlebell workout. Kettlebells are great for really shaping your body when combined with proper nutrition and produce significant body fat loss. Yeah, the number on the scale decreases but the body fat number decreases by a lot more. During a 4 month period, I lost 12 lbs of scale weight and approximately 20 lbs of body fat. Geoff is an excellent trainer who does a great job keeping clients on task and providing measurable feedback. I’ve been training with Geoff for more than 4 years and can’t imagine working with another trainer." - Carla Ball, Carrboro, NC

Rapid Results Fitness specializes in rapidly transforming your body by using the latest scientific research on movement and fat loss to teach you how to use your own body and a kettlebell to get in the best shape of your life.

Just take a look at this exercise: The Two-Hand Swing.

It uses EVERY muscle in your body, literally sucking all the excess energy right out of your body. Betsy Collie, the instructor performing it, has not one, but two herniated discs as well as multiple fractures in her lower back. She can't run because of them, but she can swing!

"Betsy-I wanted to write a note to tell you how much I appreciate you and how much I have benefited from having you as my fitness instructor. As a REALTOR, I drive 50,000 miles a year--that is a lot of sitting! And many days my meals consist of grabbing something quick in a drive-through. And with lots of sellers depending on me to get their houses sold, I am under a lot of stress. Hours of sitting, poor eating habits and lots of stress--that is a formula for weight gain, poor health, maybe even a heart attack. But guess what? This 47-year-old man is in as good of shape now as I was when I played high school football! What is my secret? It is you, Betsy! Just coming to your hour-long class twice a week gets my muscles working so hard that I feel like I have been at the gym for several hours. I always feel the soreness of a good workout for a day or two after your class. You push us to the limit! And it is wonderful. Without your encouragement ("Just one more set of pushups!"), your critique ("squeeze on the way up when you are doing those squats!") and your fantastic well-rounded program, I would not get nearly the workout by myself, even if i spent twice the time trying! You are the reason that I am a member of the fitness club. If it were not for the classes you teach, I would not be a member. So thanks for all that you do! Best regards." - David Jenkins, Durham, NC

Why Are Kettlebells So Great?

Honestly, there's not enough room here to post them all, but here are just some of the reasons:

  1. Allows people who are out of shape to burn fat without the high-impact trauma and eventual injury of running or aerobics classes.

  2. Strengthens the lower back and abdominals to protect the spine--great for people who have had low back issues*. Not only that, it's safe on the knees and strengthens the hamstrings and backside, which is absolutely necessary to prevent injury in the recreational athlete.

  3. Strengthens the heart and lungs decreasing the risk of and actively combating heart disease.

  4. Strengthens the joints--making the body "resilient" to overuse injuries associated with other fitness activities and even life itself.

*If you have low back pain, make sure you are cleared by your physician to participate.

For More--A Lot More--Reasons About Why Kettlebells Are So Great, Go Here. (Just be sure to click the "back" button on your browser so you can come back here!)

How Does Rapid Results Work?

Rapid Results uses "Smart" exercises--Exercises performed with your own body and with a kettlebell, designed to make your body more efficient burn an excessive amount of calories at one time, literally sucking the fat off your body and into your muscles to be burned as fuel.

Here's What You'll Learn:

  • To lift weights to burn fat--It's not what you think--no Jane Fonda exercises here!

  • How to work your abs harder than you ever have for faster results without performing thousands of crunches and straining your neck

  • To feel your glutes and abs working the way they're designed to work--together!

  • How breathing aids in fat loss and how you can actually hinder your fat loss by breathing incorrectly

  • How to burn fat LONG after your workout is over--Even the following day!

  • How correct breathing helps build strong, lean abs and protect your lower back

  • How one of the most popular abdominal exercises can actually hurt your back and destroy your exercise routine

  • To perform everyday gym exercises that you never thought you could--in spite of past injuries

  • Which exercise, if performed correctly, can skyrocket your fat loss and how performing this powerful exercise incorrectly can actually set you up for major injuries (Hint: This is one of the biggest myths ever perpetuated on us by the medical and fitness industries!)

  • Uncommon new exercises that can unlock "rusty" joints and allow you to regain lost function and movement

  • The difference between mobility and flexibility and how NOT knowing the difference can sabotage your fat loss and worse--Injuries!

  • How common gym exercises can actually inhibit your fat loss capabilities

  • The optimum number of times per week to work out--It's not as much as you think and undoubtedly less than you're currently doing now

  • How not working out the optimum amount can actually sabotage your fat loss efforts

  • How to eat for maximum fat loss--Low fat? Low carb? Both? The real scientific truth and what that means for your social life (Hint: You no longer have to be a hermit on the weekends because you're on a "diet.")

  • Which carbohydrates are "good" and which will pack fat on your body faster than water running downhill

  • What the most important meal of the day is and how you'll sabotage your fat loss if you miss this one

  • The best equipment for fat loss and how this one particular tool--a kettlebell--can replace everything--that's right, everything--in your local health club

  • The major differences between this particular piece of equipment and traditional dumbbells and barbells and how traditional strength training equipment can make you weaker, hinder your fat loss, and set you up for injury

  • And much, much, much more!

"I started working out with Geoff a little over two years ago. At the time I considered myself to be in pretty good shape with the exception of my right shoulder. I injured it a few years ago playing basketball and after numerous visits to the doctor and a cortisone shot, I still couldn't lift it over my head without pain and discomfort. It was very frustrating not being able to enjoy some of the simple things in life like playing catch with my son or frisbee with my son. With Geoff's guidance and careful monitoring of my situation, I am now able to do things that I haven't done in years. I can knock out push-ups, parallel dips, pull-ups, and throw a 70lbs. kettlebell around with no pain or problems at all. I have dropped 30lbs and 6 inches off my waist (Not a bad side effect!) My wife often compliments me on how good I look and even more importantly, I like the way I look and feel. Thanks Geoff!!" - David DeBerry, Durham, NC

"I have been taking group fitness classes for many years now. Betsy's muscle pump class is one of the most complete and enjoyable I have ever been a part of. She has different exercises for all major muscle groups, and she changes it up all the time to avoid boredom. She conducts the class in such a positive way that you forget you are actually working HARD! She is motivating, energetic, and just makes it a great experience. I will happily attend any other classes she decides to teach." - Susann Clifford, MD, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Duke University Medical Center

The Story Behind Rapid Results Fitness

My name is Geoff Neupert and I've been a Fitness Professional since 1993, which means that I've made my living helping people "get into shape." More specifically, I have trained people from all walks of life to achieve their specific goals: Grandmothers who need to lose 70lbs of fat, Division 1 Athletes who need to win matches, middle-aged women who need to rehabilitate their knees after surgery, high school athletes who need to win a college scholarship,--you name it, I've helped people achieve their fitness goals--to get results. However, the number one goal of just about everyone I meet is to "lose weight."

Now, I've always thought a little differently than the rest of the pack, and much of my clients' successes are born of my own personal biases.

Let me explain.

You see, I am a power athlete. I am a competitive Olympic weightlifter. We train to lift the heaviest possible weights over our heads, one time. This takes a lot of energy and it is very demanding on the body.

In 1997, I was arguably in the best shape of my life (more on that later)--I was training very, very hard for competition and my bodyfat percentage was in the middle single digits. My clients at the time wanted to know what I was doing to get so lean.

Their number one question was, "How much cardio are you doing?"

They all refused to believe me that when I told them, "None." I told them that I just lifted very heavy weights, nothing more than five reps, and was meticulous in watching what I ate.

The bottom line was simply this: Training with very heavy weights with short rest periods burns a
ton of fat--so much so, there is no need to do "extra cardio." Not only that, I hate the very idea of cardio--of jumping on a piece of stationary equipment and breathing hard but going nowhere.

I started coaching Strength and Conditioning at Rutgers University in 1997 and noticed that many of the athletes were slow and weak, performed lots of cardio to get in shape, and had relatively high levels of body fat--especially the females.

Needless to say, I was shocked! This was Division 1 Athletics!

What were the common denominators for these athletes being slow, weak, and fat?

Poor nutrition, ineffective/non-existent strength training, and excess long, slow duration cardiovascular exercise.

Once I was able to start implementing some of my ideas with the coaching staffs about lifting heavy, learning how to be explosive, and dropping the long, slow distance runs (These are great for cross-country runners, but that's about it.), injury rates declined, wins started increasing, and body fat percentages started to drop.

One of my favorite teams while at Rutgers was the wrestling team, probably because I'm a former wrestler. These guys were tough. And strong. I wanted them to become more explosive so I taught them the Olympic lifts--the snatch, and the clean and jerk. However, most of these guys had very tight shoulders and wrists so we had to do variations of these exercises and sometimes with dumbbells instead of barbells.

The interesting thing about using the dumbbells is that we could increase the work and to burn extra calories without having to do extra cardio.

This is important because wrestling is a weight class sport, which means, most wrestlers have to cut weight to compete. And most college wrestlers cut between 20 and 30lbs to make weight.

And they do it in as little as three months.

That's when I first saw the add in the back of some fitness magazine for kettlebells.

You don't have to be that flexible to use kettlebells--which was great for my wrestlers, because most of them didn't have the upper body flexibility for the barbell Olympic lifts. Kettlebells make it much easier on the wrists, elbows, and shoulders to perform higher repetition snatches and clean and jerks than either barbells or dumbbells, which of course means you can work harder and burn more calories or rather, burn more stored body fat. Unfortunately, we had no budget for new equipment at that time so I filed them away in the memory banks for a future time.

In July of 2000 we moved to Durham so my wife could attend Duke University for a doctoral program in Physical Therapy. After getting side-tracked in a non-fitness related business venture for almost a year, I restarted my Personal Training business in May of 2001 and I've been hard at work ever since studying and applying and discarding anything and everything that works and that which doesn't.

Fortunately, I've made more than my fair share of mistakes along the way. In order to build my business, I sacrificed a lot of sleep. However, I still trained hard with hopes of returning to competition (I qualified for the USA Weightlifting Nationals in 2000, but failed to turn in my application--I know, what a knucklehead--so I didn't go.). In 2002, I hurt my back quite severely while training: I couldn't take a deep breath or bend over for a week! (Do as I say, not as I do--remember?) Earlier that year I had bought my first set of kettlebells and had started training clients with them. Little did I know at that point that they would be instrumental in rehabbing my back.

Here's where my story takes a turn for the worse. After ignoring my back injury and continuing to train on it, I decided I was tired of the constant tingling sensation/throbbing in the bottom of my left heel. I started doing the latest cutting-edge corrective exercise programs--I mean, state-of-the-art, the best in the country, learning from leaders in the exercise and physical therapy fields. The good news is, my back got "better."

I was unable to get my left glute (butt muscle) to work properly and the kettelbell two-hand swing was finally the exercise that made that happen. Unfortunately, the chronic right knee pain that I had since I dislocated my kneecap wrestling at age 16 was getting worse. And the left knee started hurting.

In January of 2005, I was training for a weightlifting meet when I injured my right hip. I have a very high pain tolerance, but after 3 months of having to stretch out my hip muscles just so I could walk without excruciating pain, I finally got a coritzone shot. My orthopedic surgeon, and not just any orthopedic surgeon, but one of the Duke University Sports Medicine Team Surgeons, said I should stop weightlifting as it would exacerbate my injury to the point of a joint replacement in the long run.

In between each of these injuries, the only thing that kept me sane was being able to perform my beloved snatches and clean and jerks with my kettlebells.

Unfortunately, while re-starting my training in September of 2005, I injured my left hip in exactly the same way. Again, kettlebells kept me sane and "healthy." And by healthy, I mean, muscular and lean.

Then, the bottom fell out all the way. By January 2006, my body had enough. Both my knees "locked up" and the only way I could sit in a chair was to "plop" in it. Bending my knees past 130 degrees was excruciatingly painful. Weightlifting was out of the question. I could still, however, use my beloved kettlebells, which, seemed to rescue me from myself.

This is when I finally started doing "dynamic joint mobility" exercises--which if done properly is like stretching on steroids.

Here's a picture of just how bad things had gotten:

February 2006

I could not bend my knees any further than this without experiencing that "stub-your-toe-hold-your-breath-and-swear" kind of pain.

I finally stopped all ideas of weightlifting and focused on healing my broken body with the Dynamic Joint Mobility*. In case you haven't picked up on a theme, I love weightlifting. But since I couldn't do any, you guessed it, the only thing that kept me sane was the kettlebell.

*There are lots of Dynamic Joint Mobility programs on the market today, but Rapid Results Fitness uses one very specific program that focuses on quality and precision to yield instantaneous, near miraculous results--in many cases instantly removing pain--even pain caused by pulls and strains.

Here's one of the kettlebell exercises, the Clean and Press, I used to keep my muscles from wasting away and to keep myself from turning into a butter-ball turkey:

Fast-forward to November 3, 2007.

I returned to the weightlifting platform and competed for the first time in almost 8 years despite a back injury, two hip injuries, and a knee injury and I did it all pain-free.

Here's a video clip of me snatching 120kg (264lbs), which is 10kg below my previous competition best:

How'd I do it?

Kettlebells and Dynamic Joint Mobility.

There is no other more powerful combination that I know of, and trust me, I've seen almost everything the fitness world has to offer--to get you the results you want and demand.

Why did I take the time to tell you my story?

Because whether you want to lose body fat or get back into shape to do the things you used to love doing, I've been there and I can show you how to get there too. I teamed up with Betsy Collie, one of the Triangle's best group fitness instructors and now a kettlebell instructor, to bring you Rapid Results Fitness.

You've already met Betsy--she's the woman performing the Two Hand Swing in the first video.

Betsy and I met through a client of mine. She started training with the kettlebell in June of 2007 and knew instantly that it was exactly what she was looking for and exactly what her group fitness participants were looking for. You see, Betsy also has lots of experience under her belt as a fitness professional. Between teaching group fitness--every sort you can imagine--and dance, she's got twenty years of experience. But Betsy, as I mentioned before, has a multiple lower back injuries that keep her from performing traditional "cardio" activities. But the kettlebell didn't hurt her back, in fact, it made it feel better. Betsy loved the kettlebell so much she got her instructor certification (RKC) this past October.

Now here's the best part: Betsy loves to dance. She has noticed that the combination of kettlebell training and dynamic joint mobility has made her a better dancer--without having to dance more. So whatever you like to do, the combination of Kettlebells and Dynamic Joint Mobility allow you to do it better.

At this point, you probably have a nagging question in your sub-conscious:

Why should I entrust my fitness to two broken and injured fitness professionals?

That's a valid question.

The dirty little secret in the fitness industry is that anyone who's been "in the game" for any length of time has at least one injury, if not multiple ones. But here's the catch: We've tried almost everything. We've paid the price so you don't have to. We have the solutions to your fat loss problems.

If we can opt out of multiple surgeries and re-train our bodies to perform better than they did before, and still stay lean, then you can too, especially if you don't have or haven't had any major injuries.

Not only that, I personally am not injured any more and through the use of kettlebells and dynamic joint mobility exercises, my body has literally reprogrammed itself to be free from injury and be more efficient in movement and fat loss.

I've shown you everything--left nothing out, pulled back the curtain, so-to-speak, so you can can see that we've left nothing to chance regarding your fitness program. The only thing you have to do is show up and work.

Here's the bottom line:

Rapid Results Fitness provides you with EVERYTHING you need to achieve maximum results in minimal time: Fat Loss. Motivation. Increased Flexibility. Support. Increased Stamina. Community. Increased Strength. Accountability. Increased Muscle Tone and Definition. Decreased Pain. Fun.

If you're still skeptical, and I can understand how you might be, just look at what our clients and colleagues have to say about our abilities to help you get results.

"After just three-and-a-half weeks of working with Geoff, my blood pressure went from 150/92 to 130/64! That's big because now I don't have to go on medication. This is a major milestone!" - Marc Becker, Durham, NC

"Geoff, It has now been two years since I started working out with you. I wanted to take a moment to let you know how you have changed my life. When we first started, I could not walk without the knee brace and was told that the brace was my future along with knee replacement surgery. Now, not only can I walk without the brace, but without pain. Next, you have helped me strengthen my body and mind... My muscles that were once not around at all are stronger and more stable. I thought this would never be possible again. I never thought I could lift weights, walk up stairs, or do any cardio. Not only have you nurtured my body strength buy my mind as well. You have been a great support system. So many times I've wanted to give up but you pushed me and encouraged me to keep going. Many times I've come into the studio with NO energy and by the time I would leave, feel renewed. You have so many clients and you never give up on me no matter what might be going on. Thank you for all your help and support these last two years." - Carolyn Lowry, Apex, NC

"Geoff was my team leader at my RKC certification class in April of this year. This guy knows his stuff!!! His teaching style is so easy to learn the things you will need to skyrocket your training. If you live anywhere near Geoff you need to contact him and get ready for some real results." -Brian Thompson RKC - Des Moines, Iowa

"Geoff was one of my instructors at my RKC. He is very professional, as well as approachable. His extensive knowledge and experience has provided him with an amazing ability to breakdown technique and give you the tools to improve immediately. He personalizes his instruction and provides information to take your training to the next level. He definitely was instrumental in my RKC weekend! If you have the opportunity to work with Geoff...don't miss it!" - Sara Juve, RKC - Decorah, IA USA

"I had the opportunity to have Geoff has an Assistant Team Leader at the October 2007 RKC. Geoff has an amazing gift of breaking your technique down and correcting it immediately. Geoff has a true passion for what he does and is a true professional. Probably the biggest thing that stood out to me about Geoff is that he is very personable and has a humble servant attitude. Thanks for everything Geoff!" - Mike Juve - Decorah, IA

"I have trained under Betsy Collie in a group setting for several years. She is extremely competent and enthusiastic, and her passion for fitness is obvious. Betsy manages to give you individual attention in a group setting. The energy that she exudes is contagious and pushes one to stretch his or her own limits to achieve fitness goals. As a leader, Betsy has superb technical skills and is a role model in every aspect. I look forward to continuing my training with her and Rapid Results Fitness." - Sarah Vrolijk, Durham, NC

"Betsy is an awesome group fitness instructor. You can tell she has a dance background because of her poise and technique. Her class hits all the major muscle groups and is effective and efficient. You can tell she keeps current in the industry -- she is always incorporating new moves -- that keeps us challenged and entertained!" - Susan Chesser, Durham, NC

"Betsy Collie is a terrific fitness instructor. I take her "Muscle Pump" classs at Fitness World and love it. Her classes are fun, fastpaced, and perfect for men amd women, old and young. Under Betsy's guidance, each individual can use the weight and position appropriate for their level and ability. What I like best is that she employs a multimuscle group approach to each exercise. Talk about maximizing your exercise time! Betsy finds a way to engage our core muscles whenever possible, as well as muscles you didn't even know existed! I love how Betsy keeps up to date with the latest ideas in exercise physiology and shares new approaches with her students. I would highly recommend her as a fitness instructor. Try her classes, you won't be disappointed!" - Mindy Solie, Durham, NC

OK, now I'm really convinced--I absolutely must have the results that those people got! I'm ready for Rapid Results! CLICK HERE NOW!


1. How many times per week can I take the Rapid Results class?

Currently, Rapid Results is only being offered three times per week.

2. How long is each class?

Each class is approximately 60 minutes in length.

3. How long does the Rapid Results program last--Is it ongoing or is it a short term program?

The Rapid Results Introductory class is a 12-Week class, which once filled, will be closed to the public until the next offering. Space is limited. However, once you have completed your first 12 weeks, you can enroll in the ongoing program.

4. Why do you close the class to the public and not allow drop-ins?

Rapid Results Fitness is committed to getting you results as quickly as possible. One of the ways we do this is through an enrollment process. We only allow Drop-Ins for those who have already taken part in the Rapid Results Fitness program and are familiar with our exercises.

5. I've taken other classes before where we do the same stuff every time. How is Rapid Results Fitness different?

Rapid Results teaches you principles that build one on top of another, like bricks in a foundation of a house. So each class is different but the principles of the system remain the same. However, the methods change and the workouts although similar, are always different, constantly challenging your body to burn fat and get stronger.

6. Do I need to buy any special shoes for this class, you know, like the ones for "step" class?

No, in fact, we strongly encourage you not to wear shoes for Rapid Results (It's a "science thing" that we will explain to you once you start the class...), although flat bottom shoes such as Converse are perfectly acceptable.

7. Alright, I'm tired of not seeing the results I want from my current fitness program. I'm ready to make a change. I'm ready for Rapid Results. How do I sign up?

Just click on the following link and follow the directions.

Yes! I am ready to get started NOW! Sign me up! Let me in!

Rapid Results is the first Kettlebell and Bodyweight Conditioning class in the Triangle designed by a Senior RKC (Russian Kettlebell Challenge), Geoff Neupert. An Senior RKC instructs others at national and international certification courses who wish to become kettlebell instructors. Currently, the standard of excellence in kettlebell instruction is the RKC (Russian Kettlebell Challenge). Geoff Neupert, Owner of Integrated Fitness Solutions, has teamed up with Betsy Collie, the most gifted Group Fitness Instructor in the Triangle, and also an RKC, to bring you the highest level of fitness instruction available.